Transient Students

Admissions can assist Transient students

Transients, also known as non-degree seeking students, are students that wish to take coursework with the college without the intent of pursuing a degree from Navarro College.

  • After a transient student applies the Contact Center will call them to do the On-Boarding form with them and go over what is needed. They let them know to check their email for login instructions. 
  • Most transient students will only need to submit previous college transcript(s) since they are only planning on taking a few classes. If a Notice of Provisional is needed due to timing, Admissions will help them with that. Students will need to indicate they plan on taking online classes when enrolling in classes with Admissions.

Note: Typically transient students are taking online only classes. Summer classes could be the exception.

Bacterial meningitis is needed for any in person classes.