FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when they reach the age of 18, or attends a school beyond the high school level.

To check if there is a FERPA on file for a student you will use the screen "PERC" in Colleague. Then detail in to see who the student has given permission to access their records. 


To add the FERPA

  • The student will need to go to Self-Service, and click on the 3 white lines at the top left. Then click Academics, then FERPA Release Form. They will need to put in their NC username and password here and fill out the form.

The #1 question we get about account information involving this:
  • If a student under 18 is enrolled in both high school and a local college, do parents have the right to inspect and review his or her education records?
    • No, the parents will have to get with their student and fill out the FERPA form.

If a parent calls asking you questions, always check for FERPA first before releasing any information. If they also ask about Canvas, Self-Service, MyNC, or email - we can NEVER give out login information to their accounts even with a FERPA on file. The student will need to call us directly at 903-875-7416 or send an email to contactcenter@navarrocollege.edu.

 FERPA LAW states that we can only give out account information to the student. 

  • The spouses of eligible students have no rights under FERPA.
  • An Eligible student means a student who has reached the age of 18 or who is attending a post-secondary institution at any age.

 If they have any questions, they can refer to the student handbook under the section "Access To Student Records."