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- Tutoring
- Tutoring Informaiton
How do I access tutoring?
Visit tutor.navarrocollege.edu or log into TutorMe through the link inside their course in Canvas.
Just click the TutorMe (Online Tutoring) link in Canvas to be automatically logged in to your school account. You should not go directly to TutorMe.com, since this will not log you in and you’ll be unable to access tutoring.
There is a video on how to maneuver through it and hours of operation for each campus on the website.
Campus Contact Information:
Corsicana Campus
Waller Building (WCB), Room 138
3200 W. 7th Avenue
Corsicana, TX 75110
Phone: (903) 875-7382
Email: Tutoring Services
Waxahachie Campus
Building A, Room 121
1900 John Arden Drive
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Phone: (972) 923-6422
Email: Tutoring Services
Midlothian Campus
NCMC Building 1, Room 106
899 Mount Zion Road
Midlothian, TX 76065
Phone: (972) 775-7242
Email: Tutoring Services
Mexia Campus
Tutoring Services-NCBC
901 MLK Jr Hwy
Mexia, TX 76667
Phone: (254) 562-3848
Email: Tutoring Services