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Admission Appointments
Does a student need to schedule an appointment to turn in documents to Admissions? Reply: No.
A student does not need to schedule an appointment with an Enrollment Specialist in Admissions to turn in admissions documents, or bring proof of identification.
Note: all NEW applicants/students should know who their Enrollment Specialist is. They were emailed a Welcome email from their Enrollment Specialist.
- (Becoming a Bulldog)
- Verify the applicant/student has access to the checklist
- Verify how to access MYNC and Self-Service
- The 3 documents the student will need to turn in.
- Transcripts
- Bacterial Meningitis (Not needed if the student is taking classes online only)
- Testing (TSI)
- Direct to their Enrollment Specialist
- Contact Admissions to verify in Hubspot