Admission Appointments

Does a student need to schedule an appointment to turn in documents to Admissions? Reply: No.

A student does not need to schedule an appointment with an Enrollment Specialist in Admissions to turn in admissions documents, or bring proof of identification. 

Note: all NEW applicants/students should know who their Enrollment Specialist is. They were emailed a Welcome email from their Enrollment Specialist. 


  1. (Becoming a Bulldog)
    1. Verify the applicant/student has access to the checklist
  2. Verify how to access MYNC and Self-Service
  3. The 3 documents the student will need to turn in. 
    1. Transcripts
    2. Bacterial Meningitis (Not needed if the student is taking classes online only) 
    3. Testing (TSI)
  4. Direct to their Enrollment Specialist
    1. Contact Admissions to verify in Hubspot