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Accessing Your NC Accounts

2019/ 08/ 01


Student Recruiting, Canva, BeauMail, WebMail, Navarro College, MyNC, logging in, Self Service

Tips to Graduating College Debt Free

2019/ 05/ 31
How to Graduate College without Debt
  • Plan before spending - Don’t spend what you don’t have. 
  • Lower tuition and fees - Try to pick colleges that are more affordable for you. 
  • Don’t forget rent-Manage money and pay fees according to what matters at the time, and always set priorities on you money and where it should go. 
  • College Life-It'll always be tempting to gout and enjoy the parties and social events around you, but always remember to do what's not only best for you, but your wallet as well. There are many more fun and affordable alternatives. 
  • After all that budgeting  - You will be thankful that you did because after coming out of college with no debt everything after that is all profit. 

Debt Free, Navarro College

Preparing to Apply: NC LVN

2019/ 05/ 31
Navarro College LVN Program (2)

Navarro College, LVN, Nursing

Sample - How To Post

2014/ 07/ 31


Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps.

Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility on this topic. And make sure to end your blog post with a summary of what your reader will gain by following your lead.

Need some inspiration? Check out these "How-To" examples from the HubSpot blog:

Mexia Campus

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

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